Signature – Still Life

The work of these 2CD’s is exploratory by nature. Here we are conveniently separated the written from the improvised.

Signature is music written by us or dedicated to us.

Still Life is a collage of 17 free improvisations taken in-between sessions and strung together to create one long narrative


Merci au Conservatoire et à la ville de Toulouse pour la mise à disposition de l’auditorium Varèse.

Recorded February, April and July 2018 at the Auditorium Varèse, Conservatoire of Toulouse, France

Recording Engineer: Benoît Albert, using the ECA system

Editing: Les Frères Méduses

Producers, Benoît Carrillon, Christophe Geiller & Emmanuel Ferran.

Mixing and Mastering: Erik de Goederen
Cover design, Randall Avers

Cover photo, Pierre Cambon
Music published by Les Productions d’OZ – Canada