Signature – Still Life

The work of these 2CD’s is exploratory by nature. Here we are conveniently separated the written from the improvised.

- Signature is music written by us or dedicated to us.

- Still Life is a collage of 17 free improvisations taken in-between sessions and strung together to create one long narrative


Merci au Conservatoire et à la ville de Toulouse pour la mise à disposition de l’auditorium Varèse.

Recorded February, April and July 2018 at the Auditorium Varèse, Conservatoire of Toulouse, France

Recording Engineer: Benoît Albert, using the ECA system

Editing: Les Frères Méduses

Producers, Benoît Carrillon, Christophe Geiller & Emmanuel Ferran.

Mixing and Mastering: Erik de Goederen
Cover design, Randall Avers

Cover photo, Pierre Cambon
Music published by Les Productions d’OZ – Canada